Some vehicle manufactures are using, recommending or requiring Synthetic Motor Oils in their vehicles. Here are some differences between synthetic and petroleum-based motor oil for a better understanding:
Conventional oils are obtained through the distillation process from crude oil. Synthetics are chemically engineered and basically man-made. Mineral oil has things in it that don’t help with the lubrication quality or they are undesirable, unrefined hydrocarbons, gases, and waxes.
Synthetics are designed in the lab to deliver performance. Conventional materials may tend to oxidize or deteriorate when exposed to temperature. Synthetics are more uniform and better controlled, they are thermally stable, and that gives synthetics a greater resistance to thermal breakdown. Volatility or burn off happens when oil gets hot. Synthetic motor oil has an extremely low volatility rate which helps control oil consumption and emissions due to volatility.
Life expectancy is greater, performance in higher temperatures are better and best of all for the consumer, overall engine protection, longevity, saves time with less oil changes and that means more free time, it’s less expensive than conventional oils based on extended drain intervals, and it’s good for the environment.
Synthetic Motor Oils work better in cold weather and this means better cold weather starts. It also is more slippery than conventional oil and gives your vehicle better performance, your gas mileage will improve, your engine will run cooler from less friction and that means longer life.
The service life of synthetic motor oils is much greater also. Some synthetics are going as high as 25,000 miles or one year or more between oil changes and that is a fantastic savings. Also, most synthetics are compatible with other oils but it will however shorten the oils life expectancy so try to stay with the same brand and grade of oil.
Know the facts and ignore the myths. Some of the myths include things such as you can’t use synthetic motor oil in a brand new engine and you must use conventional oil first for the break in period. That is false. Some auto manufacturers are using synthetics right off of the production line.
Another myth is Synthetic motor oils damage seals. False. Why would any successful lubricant manufacturer process a product that would ruin the integrity of seals in a motor? The additives are what control the swelling of seals, shrinkage and hardening are required, whether it be a synthetic or petroleum product that is being produced.
So you see, if knowledge is the key to a better understanding about synthetic motor oil, educate yourself on the facts and feel confidant that synthetic lubricants are superior.